Key Laboratories
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Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials Processing Technology

The Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, was foundedin 2005. Currently, Prof. ZHUANG Daming is the director of the lab, and Prof. LIU Baicheng, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the chairman of the Academic Committee.There are 80 research staff in the lab, including 30 full professors (two of which are members of the Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering), 31 associate professors and 19 assistant professors or engineers. The lab possesses a comprehensive set of advanced facilities for the preparation, processing, and characterization for various materials, worth more than 90 million RMB.

At present, the materials processing engineering discipline, which belongs to the lab, is a national key discipline. The lab has become a multi-disciplinary research platform for a range of advanced materials processing technologies, including casting and solidification, welding and joining, forging and forming, laser processing, and processes for solar energy devices, metallic glasses, and nano-carbon materials.

The lab's academic reputation in the materials processing field, both domestically and internationally, is continually being enhanced, supported by the organization of range of international academic exchanges and collaborations. As a result the lab maintains routine exchange and cooperation in joint projects with a range of universities, research institutes and companies in many countries and regions. In recent years, over 200 papers have been published annually, and each year the lab supports 5-10 open projects for accepting visiting researchers both from within China and from overseas.

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